Economic & Social Justice
Economic and Social Justice Group:
The Economic and Social Justice Group advocates for low-income individuals in matters that threaten their economic stability and social welfare, and also focuses on ensuring that the individual liberties of those systemically oppressed in our society are upheld.
The goal of the Disability Rights Team is to protect the individual rights of people with disabilities including their right to equal access to public services and public accommodations.
Services & Activities
Offer legal services to help clients receive the counsel or representation they need to obtain reasonable accommodations for their disabilities and resolve any disability discrimination disputes;
Educate individuals and groups on disability rights;
Conduct outreach and education activities and in other ways work to strengthen disability rights;
Litigate disability discrimination cases.
Michael Urena, Team Manager
The goal of TRLA's Special Education and Education Team is to improve outcomes for children and young adults in special and general education in Texas public schools by safeguarding their right to a free, appropriate education, protecting them from arbitrary and unfair disciplinary sanctions, and shielding them from bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination. The Team serves children and young adults from pre-K through 12th grade and beyond, also seeks to help Texas students through comprehensive litigation and advocacy efforts designed to impact and improve the entire public education system.
Services & Activities
File administrative complaints and appeals, as appropriate, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other state and federal laws;
Draft and file complaints to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S Department of Education (OCR) on behalf of parents of children in both general and special education;
Represent parents of children with disabilities in Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meetings, mediation, and due process hearings;
Represent children and advise parents in public school disciplinary hearings and appeals, including Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) hearings for children with disabilities who are subject to removal to a disciplinary alternative education placement (DAEP) or expulsion;
Help ensure the successful transfer of special education rights to young adults (age 18+) and foster the creation of successful transition plans for older children with disabilities to promote independence and self-determination;
Request and advise parents and children in bullying and harassment investigations in public schools, including both pre-K through 12th grade and post-secondary colleges and universities, with a specific emphasis on enforcing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX);
Advocate for children who have been denied enrollment in Texas public schools or denied evaluations for special education and related services.
Mary Christine Reed, Team Manager
The mission of the Guardianship Team is to serve individuals who are incapacitated or perceived to be incapacitated by ensuring that they have the ability to meet their physical, financial, and essential needs with minimal intrusion on their self-reliance and independence. The Guardianship Team also serves caregivers of children who do not have someone with legal authority available to care for them.
Services & Activities
Help people who are incapacitated meet their essential needs through supports, services, or, when necessary, guardianship or court orders;
Provide access to guardianship alternatives such as supported decision-making agreements through direct services;
Assist kin care providers with obtaining powers of attorney or other legal authority to care for minor children;
Represent caregivers of adults who are incapacitated in order to obtain guardianship when no alternatives exist;
Represent persons under guardianship in restoration and modification of guardianship to help them obtain maximum autonomy;
In collaboration with disability rights advocates and mental health programs, conduct legal clinics for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness in order to help them access guardianship-alternative and self-determination documents;
Conduct community outreach and educational presentations on guardianship and alternatives to guardianship;
Challenge policies that discriminate against people with intellectual disabilities and diminished capacity by steering them into unnecessary guardianship;
Challenge policies that deny children who have no available parent or legal guardian access to education, medical care, public benefits, and other needs.
Hannah Dyal, Team Manager
The mission of the Juvenile Justice Team is to promote the welfare and rights of youth through education on navigating the juvenile justice system; through zealous advocacy and direct representation; by challenging policies and practices that create systemic injustices; and by providing access to resources that will improve their well being.
Services & Activities
Juvenile delinquency cases;
Juvenile record sealing/expunction of youth criminal records;
Truancy court and parental contribution to lack of school attendance;
Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court cases, including class C assault, theft, and disorderly conduct:
Sex offender de-registration;
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS);
Conditions and treatment of youth in pre- and post-adjudication;
Juvenile detention facilities in Texas.
Courtney Schusheim, Team Manager
The Reentry Team helps low-income individuals remove barriers to employment, housing, and credit issues related to criminal histories.
Services & Activities
Provide legal education and representation in expunction and nondisclosure cases and with correcting inaccurate criminal records;
Assist individuals with reinstatement of driver’s licenses; hardship surcharge waivers, and occupational licenses;
Assist individuals who are at risk of incarceration due to criminal justice debt;
In coordination with the Colonias & Real Estate Team, help individuals clear title to homesteads subject to bail bond liens;
Identify referral resources in Texas for housing and job training programs for reentry clients.
Sita Stone, Team Manager
Native American Rights
The Native American Rights Team helps members of federally recognized Indian Tribes and other Native Americans protect their rights.
Services and Activities
Representation in the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Tribal Court
Representation of Native Americans in Texas state and federal courts
Provide advice and counsel concerning Native American rights issues
Conduct outreach and educational presentations on federal Indian law.
Michael Urena, Team Manager
Survivor-Centered Economic Advocacy Project
The Economic Advocacy Project seeks to address and remedy the financial problems that survivors of crime and abuse often face as a result of their victimization. Some of the negative economic consequences include damage to credit reputation and lack of access to credit; reduced or limited access to income, savings, and assets; lower levels of workforce and educational participation; and reduction in feelings of financial confidence.
Services & Activities
Provide a holistic, victim-centered and victim-driven approach to economic security; this includes providing victims with tools for restoring themselves financially by addressing issues such as identity theft, debt collection, credit discrimination, federal taxes, and foreclosure;
Litigation when a victim's consumer rights have been violated in areas such as credit discrimination, debt collection, damage to credit reputation, housing, foreclosure, and access to financial services;
Representation and assistance with federal taxes;
Financial empowerment by educating victims about how to set goals and make choices to further their financial objectives;
Cross-training and collaboration: Many times victims of crime and abuse receive services from multiple organizations or multiple attorneys, each independent from each other. As a result, victims often fail to benefit from a more holistic approach. The Economic Advocacy Team provides training and lends expertise to attorneys and to partner organizations that assist victims in related legal matters to provide holistic remedies.
The Wills and Estates Team supports clients concerning preparation of wills, will probate, administration of estates, and intra-family property conveyances of inherited interests in property.
Services & Activities
Prepare necessary end-of-life documents for low-income people;
Assist in clearing title to homesteads to give clients the ability to apply for favorable property tax treatment or facilitate the rehabilitation assistance;
Advise clients how property will be transferred after the death of a loved one;
In conjunction with the Elder Law Team, the Wills and Estates Team also assists in the preparation of various medical-needs documents such as medical powers of attorney and directives to physicians.
Carlos Aguinaga, Team Manager