Join TRLA for a Lunch & Learn on Friday, August 23rd, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm (CT) at the St. Mary's Law School, Law Alumni Room inside the Law Library, 1 Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228.
Earlier this summer, eviction notices surged within the San Antonio community, potentially impacting and leaving many residents without homes and fearing displacement weeks before the start of the academic school year. As we enter the back-to-school season, we can all recognize the urgency of addressing this critical issue by teaching, engaging, and informing.
In response, we're partnering with St. Mary's, Texas Housers, and the San Antonio Legal Services Association (SALSA) to bring first responders a community education luncheon.
In this L&L, we'll discuss eviction data, prevention, preparation, tenants' and student rights (including the McKinney Act, Fair Housing Act, and others), and how to prepare for JP court, among many other helpful resources to help and support your respective community through this process.
Please confirm your RSVP by August 14th with the attendee's name and any dietary restrictions. This is by invitation only, as space is limited.